Another Fundraiser in Paradise

(by Ann)

You have to give these villagers credit for their fundraising efforts. Today we attended yet another fundraiser. Today’s was hosted by the youth group. The youth group here is defined as 15-35 year olds. I remember running a young adult group back home and having to adjust the age to 21 so that drinking alcohol was not an issue. I am not sure how they handle it but I have not seen the youngest member of the youth group drinking kava. We have yet to figure out at what age they are allowed to have a swig of kava.

Today’s event included long speeches in Fijian, long prayers in Fijian, silly meke dancing and kava. Oh, and a feast where the pailangis (us white guys) were served first. Huge loaves of bread made in the lovo, dahl soup and cabbage and papaya salad. Oh and sweet potatoes that they offered to all of us as we returned to our boats.

The beauty of these events is the joyful family atmosphere. I am always reminded of family picnics when we attend. The younger kids were running around playing with balloons that a pailangi gave them, the chief and his closest aides hosted kava, and a card game (which I cannot figure out) was formed. The event started at 2 pm -which means around 3 pm Fijian – and by the time they had finished the formal events the light was soft and warm and picnic-like. And of course we are all sitting around on woven mats mugging for pictures. Yep, family time in Fulunga.

This lovely fundraiser (no, we are not sure what our donation will be used towards) followed a spectacular day of paddle boarding. Initially I paddled ashore and hiked into the village to see if Tau, our host, or at least some of my favorite kids, would like to paddle board. The winds have died and the anchorage is like a mill pond. Unfortunately because everyone was busy prepping for the fundraisers I left the village with no takers. No worries (sega na lega in Fijian) Bob and I can go by ourselves.

We paddled off in a direction unfamiliar to us…towards the third village. It was amazing. We chased two turtles that did not notice us for quite some time. Then we investigated a school of large fish that were being chased by something bigger. It was beautiful. A huge ball of 9-12″ fish schooling under our boards and then quickly organizing and swimming to the right and then the left. The water was incredibly still and clear.

And it is still clear and calm. Bob just reported that he could see the Southern Cross reflected in the still water. Magical Fulanga.

PS- a quick birthday wish to my very old brother, Paul, is celebrating his 60th today. We raised our Charismas in your honor tonight! Many happy returns.

PPS-I just tucked Ann into the hammock on the foredeck. She is swinging gently to the swaying of Charisma under the stars while I’m sending this note.

One thought on “Another Fundraiser in Paradise

  1. What a great way to end a fun day in paradise… a hammock under the stars! Perfect!
    And, ahem……your “very older” brother, Paul, is just a youngster at 60. I’m told 60 is the new 40. Oh how is wish that were true! Happy Birthday, Paul. Welcome to the “remember when” club!

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